August 14. - Canyonlands


Halfway Point

Well, we're about half way through the trip.  The first half has been very fast paced and we all look forward to slowing the pace down a bit.

Gigi was really excited to hit Canyonlands and she was not disappointed.  

We saw Pronghorns and the father of our country.

We did some off-roading and hit a trail that was so steep, Bryan was just a bit uncomfortable.....😬😬😬

Tell me this doesn't look like George Washington.......

The remainder of these pictures were taken from our off road journey

The top part of the jeep trail

Shafer Switchbacks were pretty extreme

You can see the trail going through the canyon

A pic of the trail we took from about 1-2 miles

The Salt Mines of Kessel

Mining Salt at the end of our trail.